Privacy-focused communication with students and the school community.
Secure & Private
We do not use, store or track location or other personally identifying information. Students' notes, tasks, and other personal information in the app are never sent to or store on our servers.
Communicate with students, parents and staff through school-wide or topic/class-specific notifications for time-sensitive information or pre-schedule them on a one-off or recurring basis to provide reminders of events and activities. Post longer form news bulletins and update calendar events as needed.
Connects to many existing calendar systems and news feeds to integrate existing information sources, as well as providing an integrated social media feed and integrating existing web sites and services provide a central information source for the school community.
In addition to school-specific schedules, logos and colours, students can personalize both the functionality - through subscribing to topics of interest and other settings - and appearance by selecting their own colours for each class.